可穿戴裝置與人工智慧是近期熱門領域,部分應用著重於增強人類的能力和福祉。基於AI的資料分析, 人狀態監控、和模型優化是新興議題。而在應用層面,因AI和可穿戴裝置與眾多邊緣設備的快速發展中,在例如精確數位醫療、更好的人機互動以及沉浸式媒體都帶來新的進展,在此次分享中,將概述目前所從事的技術、初步研究成果以及挑戰和研究機會。
Currently, I am a senior lecturer and a scientific leader at Human-centric Augmentation and Intelligence Lab (HAIL). To achieve
better performance of EEG-based brain computer interface (BCI) application, the current interests of my research are to integrate the
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with neuroscience knowledge for exploring the human cognitive functions, discovering the
relationships between human brain dynamics and cognition, and diagnosing neurological diseases. I lead a research group studying
human brain dynamics in natural environments to support international collaborative research projects funded by US Army Research
Laboratory (US ARL) and Lockheed Martins. I have developed several machine learning algorithms for brain-computer interfaces and
gained a lot of valuable insights into the brain-behaviour relationships. My research excellence has received recognition with some
selected project and publication as following list.
better performance of EEG-based brain computer interface (BCI) application, the current interests of my research are to integrate the
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with neuroscience knowledge for exploring the human cognitive functions, discovering the
relationships between human brain dynamics and cognition, and diagnosing neurological diseases. I lead a research group studying
human brain dynamics in natural environments to support international collaborative research projects funded by US Army Research
Laboratory (US ARL) and Lockheed Martins. I have developed several machine learning algorithms for brain-computer interfaces and
gained a lot of valuable insights into the brain-behaviour relationships. My research excellence has received recognition with some
selected project and publication as following list.