Wolfgang Härdle 教授, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Quantinar: a blockchain peer-to-peer ecosystem for modern data analytics 2024/11/28 (Thu.) 10:00~12:00 資創中心122 演講廳
黃文勁 教授, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University Fundamentals, Prospectives and Challenges in Deep-learning based Voice Conversion 2024/08/14 (Wed.) 10:30~12:30 資創中心122 演講廳、視訊
王俞凱 博士, 雪梨科技大學 Wearable Sensing and Edge AI for Human-Agent Interaction 2024/05/31 (Fri.) 14:30~16:30 資創中心122 演講廳
Kai Wang 教授, The School of Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology Integrating Machine Learning and Optimization with Applications in Public Health 2024/05/16 (Thu.) 15:00~17:00 資創中心122 演講廳、視訊
Minje Kim 教授, UIUC Computer Science Revamping latent variable analysis for speech and audio processing 2024/04/09 (Tue.) 10:30~12:30 資創中心122演講廳
Emmanuel Planas 博士, National Institute of Informatics (NII) Collaboration Opportunities with the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo 2024/03/14 (Thu.) 10:30~12:30 資創中心122 演講廳、視訊
賴孟泉 教授, 多倫多大學 Sex- and gender-informed understanding of the autism phenotypes: opportunities to enhance measurement and recognition 2024/01/23 (Tue.) 14:00~16:00 資創中心122 演講廳、視訊
Yu-Chuan Su 博士, Google Content Creation Beyond Text-to-Pixel 2024/01/04 (Thu.) 10:30~12:30 資創中心122 演講廳、視訊