
Subjective evaluations

  • 講者 : Akihiko K. Sugiyama 博士
  • 日期 : 2024/11/29 (Fri.) 16:00~18:00
  • 地點 : 資創中心122 演講廳
  • 邀請人 : 曹昱
This talk presents an overview of subjective evaluations in reference to objective evaluations. There are many chances to see the results of subjective evaluations in the literatures. However, they usually do not state details of the evaluation, taking it granted that readers know what subjective evaluations are. There is not a literature dedicated to subjective evaluations either. This talk serves as a quick reference to understand a whole picture of subjective evaluations.
40+ years of experience developing telecommunications, speech, and audio signal processing systems for consumer and network system products. In addition to proven record of technology adoption in products and international standards as well as publication and granted patents, marketing and sales experience to develop over 300 new contacts in the world in two years and proof-of-concept (PoC) evaluations with world-leading companies for technical licensing are unique as a research engineer.
Once representing Japan for ISO/IEC MPEG Audio standardization including an Interim Chair of the Audio Subgroup at the Angra dos Reis Meeting in Brazil, experiences extend to ITU and 3GPP standardizations as a delegate. Established a bridging career between industry and academia through 20+ year teaching experience at universities and supervision of 75 internship students. Delivered 206 invited talks in 96 cities in 31 countries, and received 23 awards. The sole inventor or a co-inventor of 273 registered patents in Japan and overseas as well as 6 registered trademarks. Fellow of IEEE as well as Honorary Member and Fellow of IEICE. A Distinguished Lecturer for Signal Processing Society (2014-2015) and Consumer Electronics Society (2017-2018), and a Distinguished Industry Speaker for Signal Processing Society (2020-2021), IEEE. Recognized as a Renowned Distinguished Speaker (The Rock Star) in 2020 by Consumer Electronics Society, IEEE.