
TIGP (AIoT) -- Securing the Digitial World with Confidential Computing

  • 講者 : 黎士瑋 教授
  • 日期 : 2024/03/08 (Fri.) 14:00~16:00
  • 地點 : 資訊所新館106演講廳
  • 邀請人 : TIGP (AIoT)
As modern systems have become increasingly complex, they result in more bugs. An attacker that exploits bugs in a privileged systems software could gain unfettered access to a user's data. Leading software vendors have recently introduced confidential computing frameworks to address the security issue. These frameworks support isolated environments that prevent privileged attackers from making unauthorized access or modification of sensitive user data and code while they are in use. In this talk, I will walk you through the state-of-the-art confidential computing solutions and the current challenges. I will also share my past experience in building a confidential computing infrastructure.